Avery's book of poems

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here we are.

So I have a blog now.


Chea said...

yeah. Now I have someone new to blogstalk. I love your title!

Rose said...

Okay so post something again. Don't be like Chan and post once then never again for 6 months.

wendy said...

woohoo! Now a real post...

{Frances} said...

yah! you have a blog now! i knew you would cave eventually :)

wendy said...

You are like Channy! What a tease!

Mariley Johnson said...

It's about time!!!
Cute title!

Brent and Amanda said...

About time! I really suck at this blog stuff, I do not seem to have a ton of time to do it but I really enjoy seeing people and what is going on with them. Hope all is going good for you.

Addyson and Abigail said...

Hi Britney-
Nice to see you. Hope you are good. Carrah (Skinner) Dodd

The Merkleys said...

Hey it looks like your posts are as often as mine! We need to get the kids together again.

Stock Family said...

I'm glad you started a blog too! It's really fun to keep in touch with so many people so easily. Can't wait to see your next post! :)

Stock Family said...

Okay, so go to thecutestblogontheblock.com. On the left hand side, click on Free Backgrounds. Choose from a TON of backgrounds and click on the one you like. Scroll down a bit and the instructions are there for the rest of it. Let me know if you have problems!!

Arnett's said...
