Avery's book of poems

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!!

This year for our anniversary A.J. insisted we needed to go on a trip. I have to admit I didn't want to spend the money. But with him done with school we really did need this time to ourselves. I told him he had to pick the place. And he chose Galveston Island, TX. We left on Thursday and came back on Tuesday. We had so much fun. The beach was great and the weather was nice. We stayed at the Harbor House Hotel which is an old Warehouse that they converted into a hotel on the bay. And then for the last 2 nights we stayed in a bed and breakfast turn of the century Victorian house. He did a great job planning this and we had a blast.
On the harbor cruise in the bay.

The dolphins in the bay.
The Harbor House Hotel

Out to dinner.
Dinner at Fisherman's Wharf
(A.J. loved the seafood, me not so much.)
On the beach.
The water line from hurricane Ike. They are still recovering from the storm after a year.

Shark exhibit at Moody Gardens.


BandHGardner said...

Happy Anniversary!

So, it's been a while. This is Holly (Farnsworth) Gardner. I use to hang out with A.J. back in high school, and I believe Brittney is my husband's (Brent Gardner) cousin.

I found your blog from Alissa and Kyle Post's blog. We've known them since Brent and I were first married and our two families lived in NYC at the same time. So, it's such a small world to see that your family knows the Posts, too.

Congrats on graduating, A.J.! Your children are beautiful, and it looks like you guys are having a ton of fun.

If you ever come back to Galveston, we should meet up! Brent, and I live in Houston, TX now.

Mariley Johnson said...

Happy Anivesary.

I must admit I'm suprised that you went to Galveston. I personally thnk it's the cruddiest place on earth!! We almost moved there. But, I am happy to hear that you found it pleasent and enjoyable.